Picture of the Chibitech logo girl, 10 Reasons your side gig will fail

Chibitech.net is primarily a research and development company that strives to bring the great technologies of tomorrow right here today.  However, we do strive, to bring the public the latest news on technology, the coolest products one can desire, and we make it our mission to educate our community by providing free STEM courses to the world for free.  If you are interested in our products feel free to check out our store. If you want to see the latest news please feel free to check out our blog, and if you wish to improve your knowledge and skills check out our courses. If you wish to advertise or develop something with us please feel free to contact us on our contact page. 


Our Core Values

                                                                                  Our core values are honor, ingenuity, and perseverance

    • HONOR-We believe integrity is the most important aspect of business, and we build our trust with our customers.  You can rest assured that we will be 100% transparent, from our suppliers to our research methods and our dedication to ensuring that all information and products are 100% ethical and ecologically friendly.
    • INGENUITY- Albert Einstein was quoted “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” We at Chibitech take those words to heart and wish to follow in those footsteps. 
    • Perseverance– like in engineering and life, seldomly do things ever work out perfectly.  We often fall many times in life before we walk and many more before we can run. Chibitech does not believe in failure, only lessons. We will fail on our way to success.  and improve and keep on going no matter how many times it takes, no matter how many tears are shed. We will persevere 

Meet our team

Our history